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Karazhan[Opera]{The Big Bad Wolf}

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Karazhan[Opera]{The Big Bad Wolf} Empty Karazhan[Opera]{The Big Bad Wolf}

Post  Gizzli Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:26 pm

Before You Start
When you talk to the guy who starts the encounter, make sure that everyone moves onto the stage. Once he's done with his speech, he will walk off the stage and close the door behind him.

When the curtains open, you will see the Grandma standing in the middle. The encounter will not start before you have talked to her. Best to get your main tank to do that.

Preparation and Buffs
Standard raid buffs, along with foodbuffs, healing potions and mana potions. To make sure, use full DPS buffs as well. Use Amplify Magic on the raid, especially the main tank. There will be no magical damage in this fight, so Amplify Magic will only boost healing.

Raid Composition
Two healers are a minimum, three are ideal, one tank. If you have to choose between ranged DPS and melee DPS pick ranged, because they have an easier job at running away. Also, Fear Ward or Tremor Totems are nice to have on the main tank.

Useful Addons And Means Of Communication
To keep an overview over what is happening, especially your healers will need to know who has been marked with the Little Red Riding Hood debuff. Deadly Boss Mods for example announces this automatically. Alternatively, you can tell who is being marked by having the boss targetted and having the "show target's target" option enabled. The player frame of the affected player will also show a female gnome wearing a red hat. Team Speak or Ventrilo are handy to use to quickly inform your raid who is marked.

Basics About The Boss And The Fight

The Big Bad Wolf does moderate melee damage. Randomly he does an instant AoE fear (only affects people standing in melee range) so Fear Ward on the main tank or Tremor Totems are nice to have. He also tends to stun people close to him (this is only a problem if he stuns the "Little Red Riding Hood". His main ability however is the "Little Red Riding Hood" Mark. He will target one random person (he won't cast it on pets) in the raid and turn them into a little female gnome wearing red clothes all over. The boss will then yell "RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL!". It is worth turning up your game volume. It is definitely one of the coolest sounds out there.

The marked person will get their run speed increased by 50%, but their armorclass and resistances will be set to zero, and they will be silenced for the full duration of the mark, which is usually about 10 seconds.

During that time the wolf will only have eyes for the Little Red Riding Hood, who should run for her life.



Get your main tank to tank the wolf in a corner. Melee DPS should stand at max melee range along the wall, so they can react fast in case they get marked.

Ranged DPS and healers should stand along the sides of the wall at maximum range, maximizing the time the wolf takes to reach them if they get marked and giving them enough time and possibilities to kite him around.

You will need to reposition the boss after each Little Red Riding Hood phase: just pick the closest corner to the position of the main tank.

What To Do When You Are A Little Red Gnome
Do as the big guy tells you and "RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL!"

Melee DPS and the main tank obviously have the hardest job when being marked.

When running away always try to run along the walls; avoid running diagonally or you will easily be trapped once you reach the opposite corner.

Don't panic if a kiter dies, you can still master the encounter with a couple of people dead, so long as you have your main tank up and enough healing.

Handling The AoE Fears
The AoE fear occurs randomly and lasts for about 4 seconds. This means it can occur while your tank is tanking the wolf, but it can also occur while the wolf is chasing the Little Red Riding Hood.

If you have a dwarf priest with you, just keep Fear Ward on the tank. if you have a shaman, make sure he is in the main tank group and places his totems in range of the tank. Also, if all healers and ranged DPS stand far back, the fear will end before the wolf can reach them. The undead racial Will of the Forsaken or PVP trinkets breaking fear can come in handy if your healers catch a fear while trying to heal the Little Red Riding Hood.

A priest should shield the Little Red Riding Hood. You might need to heal up the kiter in case the wolf catches up. Try to keep everyone topped up all the time; the boss is Taunt immune, so you do not want to lose your main tank. You might have to run to the middle to keep range with the marked person.

As stated above, the boss is Taunt immune, so watch out for your aggro and keep in mind that the main tank isn't actually tanking for the whole fight. When the Big Bad Wolf follows the Little Red Riding Hood, melee can try to run smaller circles than the boss and still hit him. Ranged can do normal DPS to him; they might have to move a bit towards the middle to have range, though.

Rogues can use Vanish if they get marked. This tactic has a chance to work. If it does work, stay stealthed and out of range of the AoE fear until the debuff wears off.

Hunters can use Feign Death if they get marked. This tactic has a chance to work. If it does work, stay down until the debuff wears off.

The tank will have to reposition the boss after each fear and after each Little Red Riding Hood phase. It is not crucial to keep him tugged right into a corner, but you should be close to the wall and at least near a corner, because this will make the kiting way easier.

Taken from BossKillers


Posts : 26
Join date : 2008-09-29

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